Mar 28, 2023
Chris Johnson is a physical therapist based in Seattle, WA. With over twenty-plus years of experience as a clinician-coach and multi-sport athlete. Check out his instagram and youtube for great exercise videos and endurance content @chrisjohnsonthept. Today we discuss common running injuries and strength for...
Mar 20, 2023
Today we handle 3 related questions around TSS and Consistency. We discuss Consistency, Getting Faster Without Increasing TSS (or hours) and Strength TSS.
Mar 14, 2023
Chris Panasky runs BikePackAdventures a podcast and website that offers information about bike packing in Canada. We discuss bike packing gear, tactics and get into the intricacies of 'bike pack racing', FKT and independant time trials (ITT) . The second half Chris interviews Peter about training for bike packing and...
Mar 7, 2023
We discuss what Training Stress Score (TSS ) and the associated metrics, numbers and system can be used for and several of the limitations, common errors and common questions . TLDR = when in doubt have fun and think about what you are trying to get better at rather than a single number that may not capture what matters...